Dental bonding is a versatile and cost-effective procedure offered by our dentist to enhance the appearance and functionality of your teeth. Utilizing a tooth-colored resin material, dental bonding can quickly and comfortably improve the appearance of your teeth, including repairing tooth damage. This resin is carefully molded and sculpted onto the affected tooth, then hardened with a special light. Finally, it is polished to blend seamlessly with the surrounding natural teeth, improving your smile’s overall aesthetic.

Dr. Michael Dyer may recommend dental bonding for several reasons:

  • To repair decayed teeth: Composite resin is used to fill cavities, offering a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional silver fillings.
  • To repair chips or cracks: Minor damages to teeth can be easily concealed with bonding, restoring the natural look of your smile.
  • To improve discolored teeth: Stains that cannot be removed by whitening can often be covered with dental bonding, providing a whiter, brighter appearance.
  • To close gaps between teeth: Small spaces between teeth can be filled with bonding material, enhancing the uniformity of your smile.
  • To make teeth look longer: Bonding material can be applied to the tooth to lengthen short teeth and contribute to a more balanced smile.
  • To change the shape of teeth: Teeth that are irregularly shaped can be reshaped to a more desirable form through bonding.
  • As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings: For those preferring a more natural look, bonding offers an excellent substitute to silver fillings.
  • To protect a portion of the tooth’s root: Exposed roots due to receding gums can be covered with bonding material to reduce sensitivity and protect against decay.

The dental bonding procedure is usually completed in a single visit, making it a convenient option for improving your smile. The process involves minimal tooth enamel removal, preserving the integrity of your natural tooth. Plus, with proper care, dental bonding can last several years before needing a touch-up or replacement.

Call us today at 512-869-4155 to learn more about dental bonding in Georgetown, Texas, and make your appointment!