Scaling and root planing, often termed as deep cleaning, is a cornerstone in the management of gum disease, especially in its early to moderate stages. This procedure is instrumental in not only arresting the progression of periodontal disease but also in setting a foundation for a healthy oral environment. Scaling and root planing is recommended as a proactive measure against the detrimental effects of plaque and tartar accumulation beneath the gum line, which are primary contributors to gum disease.

Scaling is the initial phase of the treatment where our dentist and team meticulously remove plaque and tartar (also known as dental calculus) from the tooth surfaces above and below the gumline. This is crucial because plaque, a sticky film of food debris, bacteria and saliva, can harden into tartar if not regularly removed. Tartar is much harder than plaque and can only be removed with professional dental tools.

Root Planing follows scaling and involves the careful cleaning of the roots of the teeth. During this step, rough spots on the tooth root are smoothed out, eliminating bacterial toxins and providing a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth, thereby reducing pocket depths. This step is vital for healing and preventing further bacterial colonization.

The primary goals of scaling and root planing include:

  • Removal of bacterial plaque and tartar.
  • Halting the progression of gum disease.
  • Reducing gum inflammation and bleeding.
  • Preventing bone loss and tooth loss associated with periodontal disease progression.
  • Creating a clean oral environment that facilitates gum reattachment to the teeth.

For enhanced comfort, our dentist and team offer various anesthetic options and other comfort measures to ensure you feel at ease during your treatment. It is common for the procedure to be performed over multiple appointments, focusing on one quadrant of the mouth at a time to ensure thorough cleaning and comfort. In some cases, scaling and root planing may be supplemented with additional periodontal therapy, such as the application of local antibiotics, to address persistent or severe bacterial infections.

Post-treatment care is equally important, where our team will advise you on proper oral hygiene practices to maintain the health of your gums and teeth and schedule regular visits for you to receive periodontal maintenance. Regular checkups and cleanings are strongly recommended to monitor the healing process and prevent the recurrence of gum disease.

To learn more about scaling and root planing in Georgetown, Texas, and make your appointment with Dr. Michael Dyer, give us a call at 512-869-4155!