Tooth extraction, the process of removing a tooth, is a procedure Dr. Michael Dyer considers only when absolutely necessary. Our primary goal at our office is to preserve your natural teeth and help you maintain your oral health. However, in some situations, removing a tooth may be unavoidable to prevent further oral health issues and restore the overall function and appearance of your smile.

Our dentist may recommend a tooth extraction if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Severe Infection: When an infection has compromised a large portion of the tooth and the surrounding bone, extraction may be the only option to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Advanced Decay: Teeth severely damaged by decay may be beyond repair, necessitating extraction to prevent harm to adjacent teeth and tissues.
  • Impaction: Teeth that are unable to erupt properly, commonly wisdom teeth, may require removal to alleviate pain, prevent infection and avoid damaging nearby teeth.
  • Orthodontic Reasons: Sometimes, teeth need to be removed to create space for the remaining teeth to be properly aligned.

We approach tooth extractions with utmost care, employing advanced techniques to ensure the procedure is as smooth and pain-free as possible for you. Our dentist and team understand the importance of patient comfort and employ various methods of anesthesia to minimize your discomfort during the procedure.

Aftercare is crucial following a tooth extraction. Our team will provide you with comprehensive post-extraction care instructions to ensure a quick and uneventful healing process. These guidelines will help you manage discomfort, reduce the risk of infection and care for the extraction site properly.

To restore your smile after an extraction, we offer a range of tooth replacement options, including dental implants, bridges and dentures. Our goal is to not only remove the problem tooth but to ensure your smile is as beautiful and functional as it was before, if not more so.

For more information about tooth extractions in Georgetown, Texas, and to make an appointment with our experienced dentist, please contact us today at 512-869-4155.